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Mount Rushmore gets a facelift
[S3E13] Ryan is on a mission to make a few changes to the constitution of the United States of America and book himself a place on Mt Rushmore
Season 3, Episode 13: Freaking out the Founding Fathers of America [1775 CE]
With American politics constantly in the news right now PastMaster heads back in time to one of the most pivotal moments in American history - the founding of the United States. Just what were the Founding Fathers actually like?
The year is 1775. Colonial America is on the brink of declaring independence from Britain. Ryan has arrived on the scene with two goals in mind:
Can he make some changes to the constitution before it gets enshrined?
Can he make such a big mark on history that they put his face on Mount Rushmore?
Continuing our exploration of Claude-powered GameMasters we discover that getting our way is more complex than in previous adventures...
As you’d expect from a historically-accurate trip into the past, we meet such illuminating figures as George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Adam, Thomas Jefferson and of course Dolly Parton.
A letter from Benjamin Franklin
I, Benjamin Franklin, do hereby recount a most peculiar occurrence which befell us on this day, the 15th of June, in the Year of Our Lord 1775. As we, the assembled representatives of these United Colonies, were engaged in matters of great import concerning our impending separation from Great Britain, we were set upon by a stranger whose appearance and manner was nothing short of extraordinary.
This peculiar individual, claiming to be from a time yet to come, burst into our chambers with an air of urgency that bordered on the impertinent. He spoke of alterations to a document we had not yet written, referring to it as a "Constitution," and babbled incessantly about faces carved into a mountain - a notion so fantastical it would strain the credulity of even the most fanciful mind.
This man, a man of middling height and questionable coiffure, addressed us thus: "Esteemed Founding Fathers, we come from the future to offer improvements to your nascent nation!" The audacity of such a claim! As if we, in our collective wisdom, had not already considered every possible avenue for the governance of our fledgling republic.
I must confess, his strange devices and manner of dress did lend some credence to their claims of temporal displacement. Yet, his ideas were so outlandish, so contrary to the principles of liberty and self-governance for which we strive, that we could not help but dismiss him as a lunatic or, worse, an agent of the Crown sent to sow discord among us.
Young Mr. Jefferson, ever the skeptic, challenged his assertions most vigorously. "And pray tell," said he, "what qualifications have you to advise on matters of state and constitution?" His stammering response did little to inspire confidence.
As the day wore on, his persistence grew tiresome. Mr. Washington, with that quiet authority which commands respect from all quarters, finally bid them depart. "Sir," said he, "while we appreciate your... enthusiasm, we must return to the pressing matters at hand. Good day to you."
And so, this time traveler, if indeed that is what he was, was escorted from our presence. His visit, though disruptive, served to strengthen our resolve. For if the future they represent is one where the fundamentals of our great experiment are so casually disregarded, then surely our work here is more crucial than ever.
As I pen these words, I cannot help but wonder what became of those strange visitors. Did they return to their own time, or are they even now wandering the streets of Philadelphia, babbling about moving pictures and horseless carriages? Only time, that most fickle of mistresses, will tell.
In Liberty and Union,
B. Franklin
Mount PastMaster

Ryan, Tan, Keon and friend of the show Nick on Mt Rushmore
Episode Summary:
The American Revolution stands as one of history's pivotal moments. But what if someone from the future accidentally prevented it? In this episode of PastMaster, our player attempts to shape the course of American independence, leading to unexpected and catastrophic results for modern history.
Key Moments:
[00:00:00] - Introduction and setup
[00:15:00] - First encounter with the Founding Fathers
[00:27:00] - The failed attempt to gain trust
[00:42:00] - The catastrophic butterfly effect
[00:58:00] - How America remained British
Episode Transcript
[ coming soon ]
Historical Context. The Continental Congress of 1776 was a pivotal moment in American history.
Key figures present included:
George Washington
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
Benjamin Franklin
The Real History vs Our Version:
Actual Events: Declaration signed July 4, 1776
Our Timeline: British loyalty reinforced due to fear of witchcraft
Impact: Creation of British North America instead of USA