Sense and Shootability

[S4E1] Comedian Micky Overman's Regency romp

Season 4, Episode 1: Sense and Shootability [1823 CE]

Award-winning comedian Micky Overman joins the PastMaster team for a gun-toting romp in Regency England.

Using her enemies’ chauvinistic assumptions against them, she delivers a sucker punch to the sexism of the day.

Michaela AKA ‘Lady Hemmingtrout’

Micky’s time travel itinerary

PastMaster: If you were sent back in time permanently, where would you go and when?

Micky Overman: I actually think about this a lot. I always think you wouldn't want to go back to too recent times as life wouldn't be that different and all the technology would be worse. It would be the things that you are now reliant on that you don't quite realise. Like the internet is so slow, you'd just be frustrated the whole time that things aren't working as well as you are used to.

I think I would go back to the Georgian era. Because I've read enough Jane Austen and I would actually be interested in that time period. But I would just be strung up so quickly or be accused of being a witch. I'd be like so opinionated in a way that I don't realise is a problem.

PM: What modern day object would you bring back with you that might help you to fit in or fight back?

MO: Sure, like a gun, you're saying? No, what modern day object would I bring that would help… Hmm. Well, you'd want to bring money, we'll have to go probably with something that’s worth money. So it’d have to be like something like jewellery. But something you can't really see, so that it can easily be concealed on your body. Maybe it would be like bracelets that you could put on your upper arm. I would basically in the present day have to get someone to make me an upper arm bracelet that I could put loads of jewels into. It's encrusted with jewels. I’d commission it from some artist who's like: ‘This is very ugly. Please don't put my name to this.’

Lady Hemmingtrout doesn’t play

Micky Overman aims for the bullseye

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